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Did you know?

Most homeless youth are not runaways, but homeless with their families.

Stabilize Engage Thrive

Basic Needs

No matter how you reach us, by phone, text, email, live chat, or at our resource centers - Maslow Project can help you with food boxes and snacks, hygiene supplies, clothing, school supplies, diapers, laundry & so much more! Just ask if you have special needs! See our COVID link to learn how we are keeping you safe or Chat Live now!

Street Outreach

Find our Outreach Team throughout the valley. Look for us on bikes, walking, or in our marked Maslow vehicles. You’ll find a safe person to talk to and we carry a variety of snacks and useful stuff. Click here to follow our Outreach Team on Instagram for our current locations and schedule!

Family Advocacy

Need a little extra help figuring things out? Our family Advocates are very knowledgeable and help parents & guardians navigate and connect with services in the community including: school enrollment & transportation, basic needs, victim services, health care, and more. Not sure where to start? Just call us at (541) 608-6868 and ask for an Advocate!

Case Management

Our dedicated Case Managers work with you to achieve your goals – no matter how small or large. They will help you remove barriers, develop a plan, and be by your side as you work through things one step at a time. Case Managers are available to parents & guardians with school aged children or younger - in English & Spanish. Our Case Managers also work directly with youth ages 14-24. Maslow is on-site in most public high schools in Jackson & Josephine County.

Positive Youth Development

Maslow Project offers a variety of support options for youth and their families to learn, create, job search, and connect. Our goal is to help children and young people have opportunities both in and out of school! Music, sports, arts, and other activities are an important part of growing up and expanding interests and skills. Connect with your Case Manager or Advocate to see how we can help!

School Based Services

It can be hard to stay in school when you’re tired, hungry, or don’t have a ride. Maslow offers a wide variety of services to students in most Rogue Valley public schools. Let us help you get the most out of your school experience and beyond – whatever that might look like!

Permanent Supportive Housing

Every year - Maslow Project helps hundreds of families find, apply for, and secure affordable housing. Through a new partnership with the Housing Authority of Jackson County, we are able to provide on-going support for families accepted into our designated apartments. Families in long term services with Maslow should talk to their Case Manager about possible referrals for these apartments or with help navigating the challenging housing market around the valley.

Our Mission:

We empower homeless youth and families to engage and thrive independently in all aspects of life by providing supports that stabilize and strengthen resiliency.