Maslow Graduate Fund
The Maslow Graduate Fund was created to honor the memory of Judy Baierl DeMaio. Judy was a dedicated teacher who taught inner city kids for 32 years. The fund is available to our clients who have completed high school and are pursuing a college education or vocational training. If you are a Maslow Project client and are interested in applying for this fund, just talk to your case manager!
The Graduate Fund supports a variety of post high school needs. This can include tuition, books, meal plans, laptops, required supplies, and dorm essentials. As a result of our generous donors, we are able to provide around $10,000 in awards each year! To support the Maslow Project Graduate Fund, please click on the button below and select “Maslow Graduate Fund” from the drop down menu.
“I am currently finishing up my last office in summer practicum and getting ready to start sending out my resume. Come September, I will be a registered dental assistant with many certifications and college education under my belt. I will be looking to work at either an orthodontic or general dental office. I have Kirstin along with the Maslow Project to thank for playing a role in my success, they helped me throughout my senior year of high school and even set me up for the future by awarding me with a scholarship. I will always be grateful for the support that was given to me by them, which essentially has pushed me towards a brighter path.”