Aris Villa
Medford Case Manager
Aris Villa is a school based Bilingual Case Manager at South Medford High School and McLaughlin Middle School. Aris was born in Mexico and her family immigrated to the United Stated in 2000. Being the first person in her family to graduate college, Aris obtained her B.S. from Southern Oregon University in Health and Physical Education. Aris has been passionate about serving the underrepresented community in southern Oregon. For the last 5 years, Aris has worked in the Rogue Valley in different capacities helping the Hispanic community. Aris felt passionate about giving back to youth whose families did not have the experience to help their kids walk through the higher education system. Aris is proud to now be serving her community in a different way and being able to continue to help a vulnerable population. During her free time, Aris spends her time with her family and loves creating new memories every chance she gets. You can reach Aris at 541-261-0956 and